Saturday, October 14, 2006

If It's So Great, Then Why All The Doubt?

I'm glad that you asked. Well, there are many behaviors in society that were once reviled, that are now admired. Take education and science. At one time, anyone who dared question the wisdom of the Catholic Church was risking jail, public flogging, or death. Think of the Underground Railroad, or spies for the Resistance during WW II. At one time deplored, these people are now remembered as the bravest and greatest of heroes.

But, now what we have here is what I believe is the Final Frontier. What we have is professional choice that involves the Practitioner very intimately with the client. This may be forbidden and reviled in many circles, but it is actually holy work.

My claim is not that I never suffer from self-doubt; quite the contrary. My claim is that, when all is said and done, both my heart and mind recognize what is for me both a higher and a deeper Truth.

Our entire country is rooted in heroes who arrived here for religious freedom. Their beliefs and practices were considered sacrilege.

So, although I am confident that what I am doing is for the good of individuals, society, and the Universe, and that it is done from Love, still I stuggle with how some others might view me if they had even an inkling of what it is that I do. So I don't go around telling the whole world that I am a Sensual Healer. Most people simply wouldn't understand, and I am risking my own well-being by possibly exposing myself to the distorted judgments of others.

There was a time when virtually all gays were in the closet. It simply wasn't safe or practical to be Out. As I said, this may be the Final Frontier.


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